In the Right Direction

An official announcement of the results and the award ceremony of the graphic competition for the project "Správným směrem(In the Right Direction)" took place on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.

Palasino Group, a.s. is the main sponsor of the addiction prevention event. "Správným směrem(In the Right Direction)" is a preventive activity of the National Anti-Drug Center of the Criminal Police Service and Investigation of the Czech Republic, which began in 2011. On this occasion, a permanent exhibition of the 'Police Fight Against Drugs' was opened at the Police Museum of the Czech Republic in Prague, and a competition for the best poster with anti-drug themes was announced. The idea was well-received, thus initiating the journey of the "Správným směrem(In the Right Direction)" project across the Czech Republic.

We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to present the award from the main sponsor to the author of the poster, which received the highest rating on behalf of our company, Palasino Group, a.s. It is not only an appreciation for her but also for the entire team involved, for their effort and talent they put into their work.

We thank everyone who participated in this competition and contributed to the success of the "Správným směrem(In the Right Direction)" project. Your dedication and creativity are invaluable.

Správným směrem
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